
Save, edit, comment, enhance and publish digitized cultural artifacts.

Close-up of the champlevé enamel-on-leather capital of the Pied de croix from Saint-Bertin Abbey.


eCorpus is an implementation of the dpo-voyager editor for hosting, editing and managing 3D scenes.

Designed for medium-sized collections (up to about 1,000 objects), an eCorpus deployment offers a complete interface for managing user rights and publishing data, as well as guarantees of data preservation through advanced history management.

Development is open-sourced on GitHub. The entire software is published under the Apache license.

Content editing

Voyager Story interface for editing a 3D scene with annotations and articles

Content editing is based on the Voyager Story editor developed by the Smithsonian Institute.

Find out how to edit a 3D Scene :


A small eCorpus instance can run on just about any device.


eCorpus offers a set of administrative functions for managing users, collections, 3D scenes and annotations. It's a complete, ready-to-use server that can be deployed in a matter of minutes.

In addition, advanced Voyager features developed by the DPO-voyager team and community are integrated as they get released.