Highlighting a zone

Highlighting an area of interest is an experimental feature provided by DPO-Voyager.

Caution: This feature is experimental and may not work properly in certain situations. In addition, it requires manual steps via the command line.


For the example, we’ll use this very simple model of cube and this texture.

We’ll use cube as the scene name and ecorpus.holusion.com as the instance name throughout this tutorial. Replace it with the name of your scene.


In your terminal, type the following command:

curl -XGET -L -o scene.svx.json https://ecorpus.holusion.com/scenes/cube/scene.svx.json

Edit the resulting file to add the following properties to the models[0] section:

"overlayMap": 1,
    "usage": "Web3D",
    "quality": "Highest",
    "assets": [
        "uri": "models/cube.glb",
        "type": "Model",
        "byteSize": 24532,
        "numFaces": 12,
        "imageSize": 8192
        "uri": "images/highlight.png",
        "type": "Image",
        "mapType": "Zone"

Send the modified scene with :

curl -L -XPUT -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @scene.svx.json http://ecorpus.holusion.com/scenes/cube/scene.svx.json

Remember to also send the highlight.png texture in the images folder of your scene:

curl -L -XMKCOL -u "<username>:<password>" http://ecorpus.holusion.com/scenes/cube/images
curl -L -XPUT -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: image/png" --data-binary @highlight.png http://ecorpus.holusion.com/scenes/cube/images/highlight.png

Use in a guided tour

Once again, edit the scene.svx.json file by hand.

Activate the models property tracking in tour editor. Next, edit the model’s overlayMap property to give it the value 0 or 1, depending on the steps.