eCorpus HTTP API

If you're just getting started with the API, you are probably interested in the Scenes section.

For more advanced uses, this API is organized in sections (tags in OpenAPI language), each under a namespace prefix :


This HTTP API provides all necessary routes to access and edit scenes stored on an eCorpus instance under the /scenes path.

Additionally it provides a number of namespaced utilities for users management (/users), authentication and ACL edition (/auth), changes history management (/history) or gathering scenes under collections (/tags).

It provides some webDAV utility routes for the /scenes resources but is far from Class 1 Compliance: Only routes that are necessary for proper Voyager support are implemented. WebDAV-specific methods are defined as an extension with a x- prefix to prevent breaking openAPI tooling

Other namespaces tends to adhere to a stricter REST philosophy where possible.


Administrative tasks routes

get /admin/stats

get server usage statistics like CPU or memory usage and Database stats like N° of files, date of last modification, etc…



Server statistics

  files: {
    mtime: "string"
    files: number (int)
    size: number (int)
  process: {
    cores: number (int)
    freemem: number (int)
    load: [ number ]

post /admin/mailtest

sends a test email to the currently authenticated user’s address.


Authentication, access control querying and edition routes.

get /auth/login

get login data using the current authentication

Also used for login links with a payload query string



The user’s data. If called without authentication, will return a default user.

  uid: "string"  // /^\d+$/
  username: "string"
  email?: "string"
  isAdministrator: boolean
  isDefaultUser?: boolean

post /auth/login

log-in to the server

Request Body

The authentication data

  username: "string"
  password: "string"

get a login link for this user

Path parameters


human-readable unique name of an user

generate and send a login link for this user

Path parameters


human-readable unique name of an user

post /auth/logout

delete this request’s credentials

get /auth/access/{scene}

get a scene’s access rights

Path parameters


unique name of a scene



Access map defined for this scene

[ {
  uid: "string"  // /^\d+$/
  username: "string"
  access: "none"|"read"|"write"|"admin"
} ]

Generic HTTP error response whose content depends on the request’s “Accept” header

  code: number (int32)
  message: "string"

patch /auth/access/{scene}

edit a scene’s access rights

Path parameters


unique name of a scene


history management utilities for the /scenes namespace. Scene names in /history directly and uniquely maps to scenes in /scenes.

get /history/{scene}

get a full history of a scene’s modifications

Path parameters


unique name of a scene

post /history/{scene}

edit a scene’s history

Path parameters


unique name of a scene

get /history/{scene}/files

list all files in the scenes in their current state

Path parameters


unique name of a scene


Where all the actual data is stored API design for the /scenes/* makes use of the liberal definition of GET for collections in the webDAV specification to return well-defined JSON documents for those queries, allowing most use cases to bypass cumbersome PROPFIND queries

get /scenes

get a list of scenes with optional search parameters. Similar to PROPFIND but will return JSON. Provides advanced search and pagination semantics

Query parameters


Scenes IDs to get. If provided, will return only those scenes, ignoring other query parameters. Mainly useful for zip batch downloads


Scene names to get. If provided, will return only those scenes, ignoring other query parameters.


Matches a string against a scene’s name, author, authorized users and document meta.

See examples for the accepted syntax


Match only scenes for which the current user have the requested access rights


Restrict results to scenes that were originally authored by this user (by uid or username) You’d generally want to use access=admin instead


Limit the number of returned results. A hard maximum of 100 is enforced Ordering is guaranteed to stay stable when orderBy:ctime is used


Skip the first n results. Use with limit to paginate results.


Field to use for results sorting


Switch between ascending and descending order


Return all scenes, or only archived/non-archived ones. Defaults to false



A list of scenes matching this query.

By default, returns a JSON object containing basic metadata for all scenes.

Can be used to return a ZIP archive of the matched scenes content.

  scenes: [ {
    ctime: "string"
    mtime: "string"
    author_id: "string"  // /^\d+$/
    author: "string"
    id: "string"  // /^\d+$/
    name?: "string"
    thumb?: "string"
    access: {
      default: "none"|"read"|"write"|"admin"
      any: "none"|"read"|"write"|"admin"
      user?: "none"|"read"|"write"|"admin"
  } ]

post /scenes

import an archive of scenes to be extracted into the scenes/ folder

Request Body


A zip file that contains an archived scene hierarchy.

eCorpus uses a simplified internal zip decoder that is guaranteed to handle only data exported from another eCorpus instance. If you wish to create an archive yourself, you have to ensure your archiver stores only uncompressed data using only supported ZIP features


propfind /scenes

list all readable content in scenes/. See rfc4918 to learn more about PROPFIND This is a minimal implementation that just lists contained elements, respecting the Depth header. While this is not paginated, expect future changes to implement limits on the results’ size.



a PROPFIND multistatus response

<D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:">
    <!-- Array of <D:href> -->
          <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
              <D:getlastmodified>Tue, 28 May 2024 11:59:56 GMT</D:getlastmodified>
              <D:creationdate>Tue, 28 May 2024 11:59:56 GMT</D:creationdate>
  <!-- Array of <D:response> -->

get /scenes/{scene}

get a scene’s metadata.

Path parameters


unique name of a scene



The requested scene’s data

No schema provided

scene not found. It doesn’t exist or isn’t readable with the current authentication

mkcol /scenes/{scene}

creates a new empty scene. This scene will essentially be invisible until populated

Path parameters


unique name of a scene

propfind /scenes/{scene}

fetch the scene’s content

Path parameters


unique name of a scene

delete /scenes/{scene}

Archives a scene

Path parameters


unique name of a scene

Query parameters


Set to false to force-delete scenes (instance administrators only). Otherwise archive it in a way that could be undone by administrators. Defaults to true





Unauthorized, either due to improper authentication or insufficient access rights. Archiving a scene requires “admin” rights over it, while force-delete requires instance-level administrative rights.

post /scenes/{scene}

creates a new scene using attached data.

When a GLB model is provided as request body, creates a default scene, initialized with this model positionned at (0,0,0).

Path parameters


unique name of a scene

Request Body


scene initialization data




a new scene was created and initialized with a default scene.svx.json file


a scene with this name already exists

patch /scenes/{scene}

Edit scene’s metadata

Path parameters


unique name of a scene

Request Body


Scene patch data using a partial object. Check schema for a list of editable fields.

Permissions are additive, to reset a user to default permissions, explicitely set his permission to null.

Tags are copied: if a tags field is provided, any tag not included will be removed.

  name?: "string"
  permissions?: {
    default?: "none"|"read"|"write"|"admin"
    any?: "none"|"read"|"write"|"admin"
    [string]?: "none"|"read"|"write"|"admin"
  tags?: [ "string" ]

get /scenes/{scene}/{file:.*}

get a file in scene

Path parameters


unique name of a scene


relative path to a scene’s file. Might contain slashs, though openAPI spec won’t allow them in test queries

put /scenes/{scene}/{file:.*}

overwrite the file with new content

Path parameters


unique name of a scene


relative path to a scene’s file. Might contain slashs, though openAPI spec won’t allow them in test queries

Request Body

The file’s data


copy /scenes/{scene}/{file:.*}

copy a file to another location in the same scene

Path parameters


unique name of a scene


relative path to a scene’s file. Might contain slashs, though openAPI spec won’t allow them in test queries

move /scenes/{scene}/{file:.*}

move a file to another location in the same scene

Path parameters


unique name of a scene


relative path to a scene’s file. Might contain slashs, though openAPI spec won’t allow them in test queries

delete /scenes/{scene}/{file:.*}

archives a file. It is still accessible through the history API

Path parameters


unique name of a scene


relative path to a scene’s file. Might contain slashs, though openAPI spec won’t allow them in test queries

mkcol /scenes/{scene}/{file:.*}

creates a folder in a scene

Path parameters


unique name of a scene


relative path to a scene’s file. Might contain slashs, though openAPI spec won’t allow them in test queries

propfind /scenes/{scene}/{file:.*}

get a file’s properties

Path parameters


unique name of a scene


relative path to a scene’s file. Might contain slashs, though openAPI spec won’t allow them in test queries


collections (tags) management routes.

get /tags

get a list of tags on this server

get /tags/{tag}

get all scenes associated with this tag

Path parameters


name of a tag


Users management

get /users

get a list of registered users



An array of all users registered on this server

[ {
  uid: "string"  // /^\d+$/
  username: "string"
  email?: "string"
  isAdministrator: boolean
  isDefaultUser?: boolean
} ]

Generic HTTP error response whose content depends on the request’s “Accept” header

  code: number (int32)
  message: "string"

post /users

create a new user

Request Body

the user to create

  username: "string"
  email: "string"
  password: "string"
  isAdministrator?: boolean



user created successfully


Generic HTTP error response whose content depends on the request’s “Accept” header

  code: number (int32)
  message: "string"

delete /users/{uid}

delete a user

Path parameters


unique ID of an user (stays stable through user renames)

patch /users/{uid}

change a user’s data

Path parameters


unique ID of an user (stays stable through user renames)