Managing your data

Data interoperability is one of the core features of eCorpus.

It’s simplest expression is that one can easily download some or all data from an instance and import it into another one.

It’s useful for backup purposes but can also be leveraged as a way to reuse scenes from one institution to another.

Exporting data from your eCorpus instance

Using the interface

Navigate to the collection page of your eCorpus instance. Select the scenes you wish to export and click on the Download as Zip button.

Using the API

curl -XGET https://${HOSTNAME}/scenes?name=${NAME}&format=zip

You can add as many name="..." parameters as you need, separated by & characters.

Importing data into your eCorpus instance

Using the API

Import zip scene or collection of scenes from a eCorpus instance.

curl -XPOST https://${HOSTNAME}/scenes --data-binary "@${ZIP_FILE}" -u "${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD}" | jq .

Only user with global admin right can user this request.

The request returns a (potentially very large) JSON object describing the result. You can filter only failure by running jq .fail or if you don’t have jq installed you can skip it and use the curl -s --fail -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}".