Creating a scene step by step

Learn how to create a 3D scene using the Voyager Story editor. This tutorial assumes that you have a 3D model in .glb format ready to send. Options and recommendations for creating a 3D file for eCorpus are available on this page.

Import a model

Import a .glb model by dragging it into the model list from your files or by clicking the "Upload a scene" button.

screen of eCorpus, 3D scene manager

Then click on "story ➝" to access the Voyager scene editor.

If you want to test the editor without creating a new scene in eCorpus, you can use the editor "standalone" mode.

In this case, import your model directly into the editor.

screen of Voyager application in standalone mode

Rename the scene

To rename your scene, go to the "Collection" tab and change the title.

screen of Voyager application, rename the scene

In standalone mode, the default name is "Missing Title".

Position and resize the model

Go to the pose tab and select your model to adjust its position.

screen of Voyager application, position the model

You can then recenter it in the scene and adjust its position and rotation using theTop, Left and Front view windows.

Be sure to check the unit of measurement for the scene and object. You can use the measure tool in the settings to check the size of the model:

screen of Voyager application, measure the model

Take screenshots and save the state of the scene

Once the model is positioned as desired, go to the capture tab to save its position and generate a thumbnail image.

screen of Voyager application, capture the scene

It is necessary to capture the scene to save its state (object position, thumbnail, etc.).

Create and edit annotations

In the annotations tab, select your model then click on the create button to create your new annotation.

screen of Voyager application, add an annotation

Then click on the element to annotate on your model.

Note that the annotation will be in English by default. Don't forget to change the language in the language settings to the language of your application :

screen in Voyager application, change annotation language

Create and edit articles

In the articles tab, select your model and click the create button to create your new article.

screen of Voyager application, add an article

As with annotations, make sure the selected language is that of your application.

You can then define a title, excerpt, and use the editor to write your article.

You can edit your article at any time by clicking on its name in the list.

Create and edit guided tours

In the tours tab, click the button to create a new guided tour.

screen of Voyager application, create a guided tour

In the tour editor, you can then create each step of your tour. Make sure the selected language is that of your application.

Add a title, then adjust the position of your model, zoom in on key elements, display or hide an article... then click update to save it and move on to the next step.

Save your work

You can also save your scene locally by downloading it with the Download button.