Using the API

eCorpus provides a comprehensive API that build on DPO-Voyager’s requirements.


For command-line authentication, use an Authorization header with the value Basic <base64(username:password)>.

Header encoding is handled automatically by most utilities. Example with curl:

curl -XGET -u "<username>:<password>"[...]

Get the full API reference

/scenes API

File organization:

├── foo/
│   ├── scene.svx.json
│   ├── scene-image-thumb.jpg
│   ├── models/
│   │   └── foo.glb
│   └── articles/
│       └── foo-FR.html
└── bar/
    ├── scene.svx.json
    ├── scene-image-thumb.jpg
    ├── models/
    │   └── bar.glb
    └── articles/
        └── bar-FR.html

So to retrieve a:

curl -XGET -u "<username>:<password>"

GET PUT MOVE COPY DELETE MKCOL and PROPFIND methods are supported, with a behaviour that should conform to RFC4918, but don’t expect Class 2 or even Class 1 compliance.