Quick Installation

This section requires some familiarity with some common development tools like git, npm or curl.

In this guide, we will walk you through the creation of a barebones instance of eCorpus for testing purposes.

Start by cloning the repository. It can be a bit large so a partial clone might speed things up if supported by your git version:

git clone --filter=blob:none --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Holusion/eCorpus

then go into the created eCorpus folder and run the following commands:

npm i #install project-wide dependencies
(cd source/voyager && npm i --legacy-peer-deps) #install DPO-Voyager's dependency
(cd source/server && npm i) #install server build dependencies
(cd source/ui && npm i) #install ui-specific dependencies
npm run build-ui #build the client JS bundle
npm run build-server #Transpile the server down to javascript
npm start #start your new eCorpus instance

Note: A Docker container is also available via the github container registry

After completing the above steps, open a browser and navigate to localhost:8000 to access the eCorpus instance.

Creating the first user account

When the application is launched, it is in “open mode”, which allows you to create a first user account via the command line. To create an account, open another terminal and run the following command:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "isAdministrator": true
}' "http://localhost:8000/users"

Replace <...> with your desired username, password, and email address.

Other accounts can then be created via the web interface in http://localhost:8000/ui/admin/users.

Going further

After creating your first user account, navigate to http://localhost:8000 and log in.

From there, you can create your first scene.

If you want to edit the source code, refer to the development guide. Or configure your instance by tuning the environment variables.

To use your instance in production, you might want to setup email forwarding (allows account recovery and invite links), automated backups an HTTPS reverse-proxy. You may also contact Holusion to buy a full-featured managed eCorpus instance.